
AMP Workshop

2019 I’ve created a workshop just focused on AMP, I’ve run the workshop in 10 different cities and I like the possibility that 2 hours we could create an application with different features as WordPress, AMP is an inclusive technology that reduces the complexity over the development and increases the speed to create a web application. Then after this first round, I decided to adapt the workshop to the WordPress Ecosystem as well.

For this Workshop we will understand the reasons why AMP is an interesting option to create a web application and how we can use it with a few practical examples.

📰 Přečtěte si rozhovor s Fellyphem Cintrou.

Gutenberg Workshop

Fabian and Anja want to instruct you to develop a custom gutenberg block from scratch with the help of tools the gutenberg team has developed:

This workshop is aimed to gutenberg beginners but not solely (you might get some development tips even if you developed gutenberg blocks before). Together we will build a plugin with a card block made in React that can be used in various ways in your next website project.

We want to familiarize you with the React setup of a gutenberg blocks to help you quickly finding you way around gutenberg block development and have your first results to take home with.

The workshop will be held in english of course and a laptop is obligatory for development. 😉

You can use your favorite Editor – we will code in „VS Code“ (VS Code Download).

Node should be preinstalled so we can directly open the terminal and perform a npm install without spending precious workshop time with node installations. We also use Docker to develop in a default WordPress environment. Installing Docker takes some time as it is big. So please download and install it beforehand as well.

We will add a link here to our github repo with useful links for React development soon (suggested plugins for browsers, vs code, etc.)

We look forward to see you! Anja & Fabian


How to make a meaningful impact with original content

How to make a meaningful impact with original contentDo you want to use online opportunities like the one WordPress gives you as a growth tool? In my talk, I will cover and share with you the five areas of publishing regular content to achieve your personal or career goals (because content can help you do both!). They are:

  1. The three big reasons to the „why“ behind content creation
  2. Several examples of people who’ve built or changed careers thanks to the content they’ve published regularly
  3. The five excuses you’re telling yourself for not creating content, and how to overcome them
  4. The key steps to start publishing as soon as tomorrow
  5. The four ways to keep going and not give up on publishing, even if it gets hard

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They hacked my WordPress AGAIN!

If WordPress is safe, why are so many sites infected? How is it that security plug-ins don’t protect us and those from backups don’t work. I’ll show you live what kind of passwords you have to the admin panel and tell you about good WordPress security practices.

📰 Přečtěte si rozhovor s Kamilem Porembińskim.


First steps with Gutenberg for developers

Gutenberg, as the new WordPress editor, is most often perceived as a competition to page builders that have been thriving in the WordPress ecosystem for many years now. But can it also compete with ACF and other custom fields frameworks, that are used extensively in a custom development of WordPress themes and plugins? What does Gutenberg really has to offer to agencies and developers? And how we, developers, can start building blocks in JavaScript and React, even if we still haven’t learned JavaScript deeply but would like to keep up with changing technologies.

📰 Přečtěte si rozhovor s Magdalenou Paciorek.

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What is that you do at the theme review team?

My talk is titled ‘What is it that you do at the theme review team?’, and in it I’ll try to explain what I do as one of the representatives of the Theme Review Team (TRT) at wordpress.org. Besides that I’ll also show what my colleagues at TRT do, and try to show that we don’t only review themes all day long, but also try to work with other teams in making the future of WordPress great. I hope to spark some interest in people to join us and help out.

📰 Přečtěte si rozhovor s Denisem Žoljomem.

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Getting more done in less time – introducing WP automation using Ansible

My talk is about IT automation of tasks related to managing WordPress applications. I think that’s very useful for everyone involved with maintaining one or more WordPress sites and for those performing similar actions on their installations daily. No matter if it is upgrading/installing/uninstalling plugins and themes, making deployments, manipulating files, or running WP-CLI command – all these things can be automated. This way, we can save our time and pay attention to more critical tasks and avoid doing the same things multiple times in our day-to-day tasks. I would say that the talk is suitable for a little bit more technical people, but of course, everyone who are interested in that talk are welcome.

📰 Přečtěte si rozhovor s Ivanem Yordanovem.

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