At OnTheGoSystems, we strongly believe in the power of multilingual websites. In today’s exceedingly digital world, it’s important to find ways to share products and services with one another. Translated websites not only give you the opportunity to connect through localized, multilingual content, but also make it possible to establish personal connections with the millions of WordPress users across the globe.
However, it’s no secret that translating your site’s content isn’t exactly a piece of cake. Let’s face it – finding a team of translators with extensive, industry-specific knowledge can be time-consuming and financially draining. Combined with a lack of access to the right tools, it’s enough to make more than one business reconsider going multilingual.
As the team behind the WPML plugin, we’re dedicated to empowering businesses and people to break language barriers by offering only the best multilingual solutions. From the start, we’ve aimed to make translating content easier, faster, and quite frankly, better than ever. This is where automatic translation for WordPress content comes in.
Translation Trends: Introducing Automatic Translation for WordPress Content
In recent years, automatic translation has made great strides. Not so long ago, it was associated with humorous mistakes, butchered expressions, and a generally less-than-impressive quality of translations. Advancements in AI technology have changed that. Automatic translation is now seen as a powerful, cost-effective tool.
Whether you’re a one-page website or a content-heavy one, you can use automatic translation to turn your website into a multilingual powerhouse. It’s also accessible for everyone. At a mere fraction of the costs of human translation, you can translate your website into 60+ languages.

There’s also the matter of time. Human translation is time-intensive and dependent on the availability of translators, which isn’t ideal when you have deadlines to meet or products to sell. The whole process of using automatic translation (including reviewing the content) is 90% faster than human translation, giving you a head start in reaching global audiences and customers. With features like Translate Everything, your translations are updated any time you add or edit content, so there’s no need to worry about delays.
Of course, it goes without saying that there are times when human editing and proofreading are fundamental. With WPML, you have full control over each word. Thanks to a unique combination of automatic translation and human review, you can ensure the quality of your translations by reviewing and polishing your content before publishing it.

Start Translating Your Website Automatically With WPML Today
Whether you’re a small agency, a large company with an outstanding customer base, or a non-governmental organization, you can benefit from translating your site. Let WPML manage the translation of your content into various languages so that you can focus on engaging with global audiences.
To learn more, visit our website.If you’re a non-governmental organization, drop us a line at to get your 50% discount on a WPML Multilingual CMS account.