Automatizace procesů vývoje je mezi developery poměrně časté téma a Franz bude na své přednášce popisovat, jak využít dostupné nástrojem pro lepší a kvalitnější výsledky vaší práce.
Jak přednášku popisuje přímo Franz:
By now everybody knows that CSS pre-processors let someone write more in less time. Some people also use task automation (with Grunt and similar tools) to save even more time. What is overlooked by the great majority of developers is how much time it takes to *debug* or to find bugs. The question I want to tackle is: How can you stop debugging by stopping to make mistakes? I want to show how to integrate QA/Quality Assurance tools in the development workflow as one part of my talk. The other half will be how to speed up the dev workflow by using all the kool new toys: WP CLI to build test data, Vagrant and Puppet to build easily changeable dev boxes and also how to use Git, NPM/Nodejs and Grunt to home brew your own CI stack.
Goal of the talk is to teach people how to find more time for the important tasks, sky rocket their quality and deliver work like an enterprise level agency.
Z mého pohledu další přednáška, na které by žádný developer neměl chybět.